More on the “New Rules” and Other Bad Manners

Ed at HotAir points out more on the Pelosi House rule changes and how they plan to stop considering Medicare on an annual basis.

Democrats in Congress, led by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, plan on a spending spree that will push budget deficits to a trillion dollars while an entitlement-system crash awaits us in the next two decades. Until now, a House rule has forced the lower chamber each year to acknowledge the disaster awaiting the largest entitlement program by debating Medicare’s funding and direction. Now, according to CQ Today (subscription required), Pelosi and the Democrats have a solution to Medicare’s collapse — change the rule to skip the debate…

By skipping the debate, they effectively don blinders and remove the “Godzilla in the room” from their line of sight, leaving the monstrous fiasco for another generation to deal with. That’s right, it’s all about the children.

In an interesting twist, the rule change will still require Barack Obama to submit proposals to fix Medicare, as required by the statute. The House will simply ignore them. This anomaly will exist because Democrats won’t propose this as an amendment to the 2003 law, but only as a simple rule change, which they can use to govern only their own behavior. They cannot use a rule change to let Obama off the hook.

Steny Hoyer says that ending the trigger “will allow Congress to consider all options for improving Medicare financing to provide a balanced and equitable solution.” That’s exactly what the trigger prompts Congress to do. Killing the Medicare trigger allows Congress to ignore Medicare and the looming financial crisis coming our way. Hoyer, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats in the House don’t want to be reminded that while they spend money like there’s no tomorrow in the 111th Session, tomorrow will eventually come — and their upcoming spending spree will have made the situation exponentially worse.

Basically, this is the same as fixing the ENGINE TROUBLE light on your car by covering it with electrical tape and then launching a 3,000 mile road trip. What could go wrong?

Fausta calls out the WaPo on their shameful lie that Obama was “kicked out” of Blair House, when really the truth is Obama’s schedule didn’t gel with the openings there. They wanted to move in for several weeks, instead of the traditional five days before the Inaugration. Current heads of state are staying there now, but even in Obama’s mind, no one is more important than him. But hey, the MSM sticks to the script and twists it into yet another Bush bitchslap. Instead, the Obama’s get to live at one of Washington’s swankiest hotels for the several weeks, while getting their girls settled in their own posh little school. Boy, does this guy have a lot to learn. I wonder if he’ll have to hire someone to tell him which fork to use at his first state dinner.

UPDATE: According to the Australian press, you and I are “miffed”, “outraged”, and protesting the decision to have former Prime Minister John Howard stay at Blair House instead of President-elect Barack Obama this week. It’s a “hot topic” on the blogs and radio and TV talk shows. I’m glad someone let me know…

Really? I hadn’t heard a peep about it. Guess I’m listening to the wrong stations.

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