Just Say NObama

Two days to go.

The Carnival of Insanties – The Messianic Edition.

How about a steaming, heaping helping of vote fraud? Doug Ross has the visual aids. Voter fraud hits home yesterday. Obi’s Mom (and mine) called yesterday afternoon to chat about the election. She mentioned her neighbor’s husband had gotten a call from Alabama from someone verifying voter registrations. They were inquiring about his mother, who has been dead for some years, but somehow has managed to vote for the last 8 years. Magical, isn’t it?

Michelle Malkin notes the supreme hypocrisy of Democrats. Whomever leaked about Obama’s illegal alien aunt will be drawn and quartered, but hey, what else did you dig up on Joe the Plumber?

Welcome to the gulag. Obama promises to freeze the proletariat to death. But wouldn’t that shrink his tax base? The Anchoress:

Why anyone is voting for this guy, I have no idea. They said “Kansas voted against their own interests” in 2004. Well…unless your interest is high unemployment, high taxes, high energy prices in the cold, cold winter and dwindling opportunity, I don’t see how you vote for this guy…

Gates of Vienna has a chilling look to the future. (by VH, on Obama’s early years in Indonesia)

What helps Islamic imperialism is the dhimmitude of the Free West. If Islam is a raging fire that turns all that is passes by to dead black dust (and it does), the West is providing the wind, the extra oxygen, instead of extinguishing it. As everybody knows in Indonesia, the American Socialist President candidate Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama Jr.) is a Kenyan-born Indonesian Muslim — at least he still had an Indonesian passport in 1981 when he went to Pakistan. He was not just an everyday Muslim in Jakarta, but one with a “fundamentalist” Socialist/Islamic upbringing.

[…] So-called “moderate” Indonesians would never send their child to such mengaji classes; therefore his parents were not of the “moderate” sort, but were devoted Muslims. Indonesians are waiting for him to come out the closet, and believe his “Christianity” is nothing but kitman.

After the election he will admit to being a devoted Muslim, many say in comments.

Read the whole thing. Gee, all you need now is a burqua. At least it will keep you warm.

Is America finally seeing the light? There’s hope!

RedState’s server continues to go down. I’m hoping it is from the millions of Americans seeking the truth for themselves, and not more Democratic dirty tricks.

And Obama wants to talk to these people, with no pre-conditions?

The Anchoress again:

At this point, I pretty much want to see O lose just to punish the press. They’ve manufactured his candidacy (”you go sit down, Hillary, even though you’re tied and you’ve won all the big states”) and now they’re trying to manufacture his “win.” Should they succeed, we’ll be seeing the press become a monster unlike any seen in our history.

UPDATE: Speaking of the press, just ignore them. Three things the Obamamedia will do to depress Republican turnout and help Obama. Read it all.

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