The Big Hedge in the Sky

Add to the soup of my bizarro busy schedule this week a good dose of grief over the passing of the UGA mascot last weekend. UGA VI was the winningest mascot yet of the line of UGA’s. Little did I know that this picture from last year’s homecoming would be my last of the Big Boy in his traditional wallow on the endzone ritual. Deep, sad sigh. Unless you went to UGA, you will never understand the depth of my (our) sorrow.

Damn Good Dawg

Damn Good Dawg

Regardless of any student/former student/alumni’s family pet status, everyone of us had a beloved pet that was a big, white slobbery English Bulldog that sat on bags of ice like they were his rightful throne.

The Georgia Sports Blog has a truly memorial round-up. GetThePicture has the best quote, “The King is dead. Long live the King.”

As to be expected, those other colleges with less than outstanding mascots and wimpy traditions and down-right puny collegiate pageantry are crying foul over all this emotion over a simple dog. Jealousy is such an ugly thing, especially when disrespecting the dead. Well, I guess if you dress like this to attend a football game, you just don’t have any excuse but to whine.

1 Comment

  1. July 4, 2008 at 10:24 am

    I was sorry to hear about the passing of Uga VI. Uga is the face of the SEC without question. Even though I’m a Tennessee fan I support and respect Georgia. I can’t believe fans of other schools would dare to cry foul.

    I live in Columbia, SC and of course some Shamecock fans are “surprised” over the big deal about Uga’s passing. I’ve tried to be reasonable with them…but these are Shamecocks we’re talking about, who’s only “tradition” in the SEC are felony arrests and failed drug tests.

    I hope you whip everyones a** this year and win it all. (Except of Tenn.) 🙂


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