Clayton County Down the Tubes

Who needs to watch the national news for stories of greed and avarice when all you need to do is google “Clayton County, GA”? The latest in the horrific decline of the once lovely county on the southside is this:

District Attorney, husband sued for $1 billion

Got that? Ohhhhh, it gets better….

Clayton County District Attorney Jewel Scott and her husband, candidate for the County Commission Chairman’s seat, Lee Scott, are being sued for more than $1 billion.

Earl Randall, a candidate for the chairmanship, who used to work as the district attorney’s chief of staff, filed the law suit on Monday afternoon, alleging he was fired from his job in an act of political retaliation and suppression.

Randall was fired right before Christmas. Jewel Scott reportedly said he was campaigning while on the job, but Randall maintains he was fired because he was running against Lee Scott in the 2008 election.

“Within days of filing his Declaration of Intent [to run for county chairman], Randall learned that Lee Scott was very angry,” according to the suit. “Lee Scott was observed slamming his fist into a table at Fridays Restaurant while eating lunch with Jewel Scott and several employees of the CCDA. Lee Scott was heard screaming at Jewel Scott that the CCDA was his house and he ran his house. He paid $250,000 for Jewel Scott’s election.

PAID for her election? A-huh. This is the one same “DA” who pushed a fine man to such despair that he took his own life.

The attorney representing Randall has previously battled the district attorney and her husband. Atkins represented Donald Hood, the former director of the county’s maintenance department, who was charged with stealing an American flag intended for the memorial of a fallen police officer.

In that case, Atkins alleged the district attorney’s office was prosecuting — and not prosecuting — cases based on political considerations. Atkins accused the district attorney of making up the charges against Hood in an attempt to gain information that would be helpful in going after political rivals. Jewel Scott responded with allegations Hood had carried out a sustained campaign of graft and threatened to take away his retirement benefits.

Hood killed himself on Feb. 29.

In the weeks following his death, both Jewel Scott and Atkins accused each other of pushing the 62-year-old to the point of suicide.

This is the same county with the crooked, dictatorial Sheriff, the imploding school system and the BOE hell-bent on losing accreditation. One of the ripple effects is that property values are dropping. Is that a surprise? Who would want to live in such a quagmire? Surely there is some obscure law somewhere what allows the Governor or other state agency to step in and stop the madness.

Not only have these bald-faced crooks and liars effected the lives of those that work under them, through intimidation and purposeful mistreatment, but they are altering the future of THOUSANDS of children. Power grabs and graduation rates should be mutually exclusive. Arrests should be based on the crime and evidence, not on whether TV cameras are close by. Bills should be paid. Promotions should be honored. Retirements should be funded. Basic county services should function for the citizens, not for lining the pockets of favored-status contractors.

Build a fence around Clayton County to keep the government thugs in and let them just gnaw each other to death. Just let my parents and their sweet neighbors out first.

Previous rants: Narcissism, The Tie that Binds; The Abyss of Clayton County Corruption; Now I Know How Mimi Felt (about half-way down the round-up); Another Claytonian Moron Gets Media Face Time; The Dog Ate My Homework (another round-up).


  1. May 2, 2008 at 7:59 am

    […] And I thought Bibb County was an embarrassment. Good grief. Clayton County District Attorney Jewel Scott and her husband, candidate for the County Commission Chairman’s seat, Lee Scott, are being sued for more than $1 billion. […]


  2. July 11, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    […] some pointers in his ear before he made his purp-walk. Considering the complete ineptitude and corruption that infects the entire Clayton County government, this should be an interesting case to watch. The […]


  3. S Taylor said,

    August 31, 2008 at 11:14 am

    The Fayette County Judge sentenced my daughter Feb 2008 who was out on $111,000 bond since 2006 and 2 years in college to 15 years to serve 5 years in prison. He did it with malice and without regard to fact that she had never been in trouble before, she was NOT DUI, not speeding, she had been in college for 2 years, and the fact that the widow told him that she went to Asst DA to make this plea agreement. The Judge did not even sentence her to her face in court. He walked out of the courtroom and sent a probation officer to her to deliver the sentence. He violated all kinds of Constitutional Laws. I can’t begin to tell you but if anyone has seen the movie “Devil’s Advocate” then this was it. I am ashamed to say what Sheriff Victor Hill did inside that jail. But I see he has made a comment on this site so he knows what he did to my daughter and God will punish him for it but not before the Justice Department gets a hold of him. All of them will be held accountable, I try not to be resentfull, so I pray that GOD gives all of them no more and no lesst than what they deserve. It looks like he is so far.

    Signed Angry & Ashamed mother from Clayton County who is moving within weeks to different County because of the turmoil caused by all who have abused their power in this community!


  4. M.Nzinga said,

    March 27, 2009 at 11:26 am

    I am a new comer to Clayton County ( from Wash. DC) and I was arrested for shoving my disrespectful adult son and calling the police to remove him from the house. Yep – I WAS ARRESTED, NOT MY SON ! I spent the night in a cell w. 3 other women, was served food that even my dog would not have eaten, told to stand up, face the wall and put hands behind my back “because the Sheriff was on deck”! I am a senior citizen, active church woman, professional helping person, and what’s worse my son was weeping asking the rude police to please not arrest his Mom for a simple family squabble, that he would be happy to leave and that we were in the middle of making up before they arrived.
    In court, the judge seemed amazed that I was arrested and ordered that I be “immediately released”. However, i was returned to the cell and told to undress, bathe, and put on prisoner’s garb – Of course I refused and was threated with “I’ll throw your old ass on the floor”. Fortunately, my fearless attitude and invitation that they should go right ahead because I could really use the money I would get from suing them, stayed their hands. Later, a phone call to Victor Hill resulted in his informing that “There is nothing anybody can do because I don’t have a supervisor, I report to nobody!”. Fortunately for Clayton County, he was not re-elected. I think Clayton County is fine, just growing/changing as all suburbs do. I intend to be a positive influence here and not just complain.


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