Random Disgustedness on a Beautiful Spring Day

Oh wait, it’s Atlanta. Remember the old saying, “If you don’t like the weather in Atlanta, wait 5 minutes, it’ll change…”

Therefore, I sigh heavily and I daub my watering eyes. Remember, I said spring. Spring, as in everyone’s car is a lovely shade of chartreuse and rivulets of yellow slime fill the streets after an afternoon shower. That spring.

Gerard Vanderleun, everyone’s secret internetz crush, once famously quipped, “I try to become more cynical every day, but lately I just can’t keep up.”

And honey, boy am I having a hard time doing that. Between mob scenes in Wisconsin and girls wearing hankies to extreme government waste and a vaporous President and his whiny AG, where do I begin?

Now a Christian group has taken out an ad (evidently targeting the budget debate) in this week’s Politico asking, “What Would Jesus Cut?” It is signed by 30 national Christian leaders, who all seem to have overlooked one very pivotal point:

In short, Christ had no time for such nonsense. Christ was apolitical and not materialistic.

Too bad the Pharisees forgot that. If I remember correctly, they forgot it back then, as well.

Breaking: Gunman attacks military bus at Frankfurt Airport, 2 dead

From the BBC:

Two US servicemen have died after a gunman opened fire on a bus carrying American military personnel at Frankfurt Airport, police say.

The US Air Force said two of its airmen died and two were wounded. One of the dead is said to have been the driver.

A 21-year-old man from Kosovo was held after the shooting in front of Terminal 2 at Europe’s second-biggest airport.

The Frankfurt Airport is near the US base at Ramstein. Please keep these soldiers and their families in your prayers as more information comes in.

UPDATE: Jim Hoft has more…the shooter has been identified as Arif Uka, from the northern Kosovo town of Mitrovica. And he shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the attack. Who’ll take the bet that Obama will now say this isn’t a terrorist attack against America?