Twas the Tuesday before Tuesday before Tuesday before Iowa

The Year-End Let’s See How Many Objects We Can Cram Into Production Frenzy at work continues. Along with the holiday frenzy of shopping and baking and wrapping and decorating and shopping and baking and wrapping and decorating and…

Hillary is tired, too. As much as I don’t like her, and quite frankly cringe at the very thought of her taking any kind of higher office, I think the way the media has jumped on this sad picture is deplorable. It’s like the horrid crap you see in the British tabs where snapping unflattering pictures of drunken, disheveled celebrities is a blood sport. Fred always looks this craggy and lately, you could drive semi’s through the bags under his eyes. Same for the rest, ‘ceptin’ for Obama and those VW ears. Why is society so cruel to women? While any man, of the same age, or even older, is glowing described as “distinguished.” The Anchoress feels some sympathy and notes

Perhaps showing a woman wearing her miles on her face will help to erase the double standard that says men may be permitted to age gracefully while women must remain freakishly unlined, dewy and firm. Moreover, neither Bella Abzug nor Golda Meir nor Margaret Thatcher were plasticine, ageless beauties, and they were certainly taken seriously and respected. In fact, while I have elsewhere complimented Mrs. Clinton on her fabulous make-up in the debates – and whoever is doing her make-up for those things really is terrific – I have a bit more respect for the Hillary for seeing that she’s resisted going the-full-Pull-osi and drawing her face so tight she has to pee from her belly-button. I respect Annette Benning for the same reason.

“The-Full-Pull-osi.” Ohhhhhhh… mountains of giggles. Gasssspppp… Ooops, sorry, ma’am, didn’t mean to poke with that cattleprod.
Uhhhmmm… that’ll leave a mark…

But… back to Hillary. According to Bill, the first thing she will do upon her election is send him and Bush Sr. on a world-wide apology tour. Too bad he didn’t ASK Bush Sr. first. Amazing how the media will report anything that oozes from either of the Clinton orifices as the gospel truth while either ignoring or misrepresenting anything else.

If Hillary has been so likable for so long, why do we have to be told that? It’s obvious the shameful media are all suffering from Clinton amnesia or something more pathological, but the question I ask is, “Can I, please? Can someone please make her go away?”

UPDATE: That cackle, that steely voice, those red eyes. Stay out of her way or else. And don’t forget the soap.

Jim at wizbang says, “With all the reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton, “wrinkles” don’t make it into the Top 100.” (end update)

And while the nation is trapped in the Clinton spin/rinse/repeat, the enemy never sleeps. Mark Steyn is losing and so are we…

That’s how nations die — not by war or conquest, but by a thousand trivial concessions, until one day you wake up and you don’t need to sign a formal instrument of surrender because you did it piecemeal.