The Gathering Storm – Updated

I’ll say one thing for ol’ Obama. His big ideas of stimulation and subjugation have energized the conservative base like nothing I’ve seen in years. CPAC should be a gas!

Malkin: Rebel Yell!

Disgraced Democrat Sen. John Edwards was right about one thing: There are two Americas. One America is full of moochers, big and small, corporate and individual, trampling over themselves with their hands out demanding endless bailouts. The other America is full of disgusted, hard-working citizens getting sick of getting played for chumps and punished for practicing personal responsibility.

Now is the time for all good taxpayers to turn the tables on free-lunching countrymen and their enablers in Washington. Community organizing helped propel Barack Obama to the White House. It can work for fiscal conservatism, too.

Cicero, who was one of President John Adams’ favorite writers notes that government corruption driven by political greed destroys everything in its path – 2100 years ago! Wonder if Obama ever read that during his “constitutional scholar” days. Fausta outlines today that Obama is not following Cicero’s advice, to the letter. In just the few days since Rick Santelli’s patriotic outburst on the Chicago trading floor, the awakening that was stirring in the breasts of concerned citizens over the “Stimulus” (a.k.a. The Generational Theft Act of 2009) has gained momentum. The White House noticed immediately and marked Mr. Santelli on the top of their hit list. S.O.P. for today’s White House (remember Joe the Plumber’s treatment at the hands of the Obama Press? Just google it.) After all, we can’t have anyone speaking out against Dear Leader, The Won, now can we?

Dan Gainor writes on FoxForum warning President Obama to watch out for ordinary folks like us. Those run-of-the-mill, non-elite Americans will only take so much before they revolt, and revolt we will.

Change came to Washington claiming bipartisanship and transparency. Obama lied on both. The bipartisan bill was rammed through with classic — and sleazy– Chicago-style politics. And how transparent is a process where even graduates of the Evelyn Wood speed reading course couldn’t have analyzed the bill?

Rather than mollify a worried electorate, the Democrats have angered it further. They invoke FDR like some patron saint of populism and expect the masses to march to their tune –- Pied Piper style.

AJ talks of simmering frustration nationwide, bubbling to the surface.

President Obama is rapidly morphing into President O’Blunder, with good reason. People are starting to notice he has no idea what he is doing and has basically lost control. Tony Blankley was one of those who made this observation recently. Tony goes through the now classic litany of Obama screw ups from the tax cheating cabinet to the stimulus disaster. But what is important to note is his conclusions on what this means in terms of Obama’s governing skills:

Whatever the reason, this level of presidential detachment from high policy decision making is dangerous in a White House that has so many czars and other senior players (the West Wing staff is reputed to be more than 130 — about double the usual number) combined with emissaries and strong-willed Cabinet secretaries. It may well lead to what has been called (regarding another country’s government) “the immanent structurelessness to the running of the state.”

Gerard wants Obama to just chill out for a while, do his job and keep his mouth shut. How hard can it be?

Enough with the endless billion/trillion bills and the fat fear mongering. Enough with the angry school marm lecturing. Enough with the big daddy warnings of stiffer punishment to come if we don’t shape up like right now.

Face it, man, every time you talk about saving and creating jobs thousands of people get ejected out of their jobs with a JATO assist from whatever policy you seem to be whipping out at the moment. Every time you speak of the future it gets grimmer.

Lately it seems that all you have to do is glance away from the teleprompter and hesitate and, boom!, there goes another 100 point drop in the Dow. And then, when you find the next sentence and say it, whap! there’s goes another 100 points. I’m not sure if the Dow can sink beneath absolute zero, but I’m not curious to find out.

Evil Genius thinks that Obama (and his entire Cabinet) is winging it. Ya think? I just wish he’d stop campaigning for 5 minutes and govern.

Don Surber has the best idea yet for a bail-out [Emphasis Admin].

401(k)s lost, in total, $1 trillion last year.

Does Obama care?


Did he say about us: “They are as responsible as anyone could ask them to be. But then they learn that acting responsibly often isn’t enough to escape this crisis”?

No. He said that about the people who failed to live within their means.

Those of us who lived well within our means enough to sock a few bucks away are getting the shaft. Our savings are cut in half by the recession and by his irresponsible talk and our savings will be cut in half again by the inflation his reckless borrowing will rain upon us next year.

That 7.29 Misery Index that President Bush gave him will double next year.


America would be better off saving the 401(k)s than saving the deadbeats from their own.

Remember that joke about the Grasshopper and the Ant today? It came true when we elected Barack Obama president.

Well-played, sir! At this point, I will die in my chair at work, never able to retire. All because power-hungry Democrats were willing to tank our economy just to win back The White House. Most. Ethical. Congress. Ever.

It gets better. Not only is the “governmental spending” out of control, Obama now plans to tax us to Kingdom Come. Increased taxes – in a recession. Wait just a minute there partner, we haven’t gotten our $13/week tax break yet! Does this man even have a brain? Or just an ego?

Finally, stimulus and corruption and blunders and hypocrisy aside, The Anchoress tells us to enjoy our freedom of speech while we still have it. Yes, that is on The Won’s punch list as well.

Speak up. This is still America – in this nation, for now, you are free to do so. The more you shut yourself up, the more easily others will shut you up, down the road.

Amen, sister!

P.S. Info on the Atlanta Tea Party! (h/t Peach Pundit)

UPDATE: Yesterday afternoon, I gathered with a few other Atlantans who have had enough. Check back frequently at Atlanta Tax Protest as more info becomes available.


1 Comment

  1. driver said,

    February 23, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    I too am heartened to see a little rebellion brewing, and loved the Cicero quote. Don’t forget what happened to Cicero though, he was a victim of the Roman version of the Fairness Doctrine.

    “Cicero was one of the most viciously and doggedly hunted among the proscribed. He was viewed with sympathy by a large segment of the public and many people refused to report that they had seen him. He was caught December 7, 43 BC leaving his villa in Formiae in a litter going to the seaside where he hoped to embark on a ship destined for Macedonia. When the assassins arrived Cicero’s own slaves said they had not seen him, but he was given away by Philologus, a freed slave of his brother Quintus Cicero.

    Once discovered, Cicero’s last words were said to have been, “There is nothing proper about what you are doing, soldier, but do try to kill me properly.” He bowed to his captors, leaning his head out of the litter in a gladiatorial gesture to ease the task. By baring his neck and throat to the soldiers, he was indicating that he wouldn’t resist. He was decapitated by his pursuers. His hands were cut off as well and nailed and displayed along with the head on the Rostra in the Forum Romanum according to the tradition of Marius and Sulla, both of whom had displayed the heads of their enemies in the Forum. Cicero was the only victim of the proscriptions to be displayed in that manner. According to Cassius Dio[38] (in a story often mistakenly attributed to Plutarch), Antony’s wife Fulvia took Cicero’s head, pulled out his tongue, and jabbed it repeatedly with her hairpin in final revenge against Cicero’s power of speech.”


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