“Told Ya So” of the Day

First, listen to Anderson Cooper whine about the “new White House media rules” regarding coverage of the Gulf Oil Spill:

Now for NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard’s justified smack-down:

Actually, Anderson, to this administration, anyone trying to tell the truth to the American people is the enemy.

Maybe if folks like you would have accurately reported the background of Barack Obama when he was running for president he wouldn’t have assumed you were going to continue to misrepresent and ignore facts for his benefit after if he got elected.

To anyone with even a lukewarm intelligence quotient, this was an eminently foreseeable consequence of the media treating candidate Obama like a rock star. If they had acted like journalists back then instead of groupies, maybe they’d be treated with more respect today.

Now that some press members actually want to act like reporters again and aggressively try to cover what’s going on in the Gulf Coast, the White House must feel somewhat spurned by his previously complicit press thereby necessitating rules to keep them from getting close to the truth now that they mysteriously seem interested in reporting it.

Of course, those on the other side of the aisle are not at all surprised, for like so many of the promises this man made during the campaign, we didn’t believe his most transparent administration in history pledge either.

Maybe in the future media won’t allow their love for a candidate to make them so gullible and compliant, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Told ya.

Have we reached a critical mass of “high crimes and misdemeanors” yet? The Anchoress certainly believes there is criminal negligence, at the very least.

Criminal negligence. And apparently, the press is targeting the Coast Guard Admiral for a fall, and maybe he deserves to take one. But remember, he gets his own orders from somewhere, and letting the problems become almost insurmountable.

This seems like criminal negligence and its cover-up, to me.

Also at (Memeorandom)

UPDATE: Yikes. Jill adds the scary thought of “God help us if we are ever attacked.” These are the one and same people charged with protecting our nation. We are in the best of hands.


  1. July 3, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    […] of balancing economic and environmental concerns in a non-suicidal manner.For a good roundup, see Obi’s Sister. var addthis_append_data='false';var addthis_language='en';var addthis_options='twitter, digg, […]


  2. smitty said,

    July 3, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    Linked you here.


  3. July 3, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    […] Obi’s Sister & The Other […]


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