FAIL – Updated

After a busy day at work, I took advantage of my own background processing to chew on last night’s SOTU speech. I can only come up with one word – FAIL.

Obama had the perfect opportunity to reverse his fortunes last night. The captive audience of the chamber, plus millions of viewers, all waiting to see him miraculously dig himself out of the sinkhole that swallowed him when his unicorns and pixie dust evaporated over the last few months. Many wanted him to stumble, but many, many more, all his devoted followers, wanted to hear his soaring words and reassuring tones and know that all was well.

He blew it. His speech was worse than any stump speech we’d all heard a thousand times. He was arrogant. He was condescending. He dissed the Supreme Court. He dissed the Senate. He dissed conservatives. He dissed pretty much everyone but himself. The speech itself contained many falsehoods. He spent more time talking about jobs and healthcare and the economy than about national security. Sport, let me let you in on a little secret – without strong national security, our country is a target, weakened and possibly destroyed. What’s the point of petty jobs programs, restrictive and rationed healthcare and a teetering economy if there is no nation in which they might function?

Many folks much smarter than me are putting forth some great commentary. Here’s just a sample:

The Anchoress live-blogged the speech with some interesting points on cognitive dissonance.

Dr. Melissa notes Obama may have taken Carville’s advice – “attack, attack, attack.”

Erick on the jobs/taxes lie.

Fausta notes a special historical moment.

Jimmie is unimpressed.

Jill on Obama’s personal inflation and snippiness.

Interesting the things he couldn’t bring himself to say:
We won in Iraq
– Haiti only deserved a “shoutout”
– the two heroes sitting next to his wife (hint: they took down the Ft. Hood shooter)
He who shall not be named

Another interesting thing is that the day after, are people talking about his speech, or a quiet aside from the chamber (h/t Instapundit)? Don Surber:

The mouthing of words was one of the few newsworthy moments in a speech that dragged on for more than an hour as Obama grasped at any and all straws in a desperate attempt to salvage his presidency.

Judge Samuel Alito, you are da man.

One final thought, via Glenn Reynolds, on sitting there and taking it,

No, actually, you don’t, and Alito didn’t. And that will step on Obama’s press tonight and tomorrow, turning his demagoguery into a negative for him. That’s why Presidents usually act Presidential. Not so much because it’s dignified. But because it’s smart. That’s something that Obama, with his limited experience on the national stage, hasn’t figured out yet.

Not only did Obama stumble last night, he dug himself deeper.

In the meantime, enjoy your day after. FAIL.

UPDATE: Ed Morrissey on the AP’s Top Ten Whoppers from the speech.

Gerard has the final word on that idiot Matthews.

Phineas of Public Secrets can’t help but notice that the President came off as diminished and petty. Wait, it gets worse. God help Obama – he needs help extracting his head from his hindparts.


  1. January 28, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    […] RELATED: Alito’s “Not True” Moment at Reason; Fausta, who provides quotes about why Obama was wrong and demagogic; neo-neocon; and Hot Air. Obi’s Sister calls the whole speech a FAIL. […]


  2. Phineas said,

    January 28, 2010 at 8:12 pm

    All I can say is that Republican candidates in 2010 should send Obama flowers; he’s making their job so easy.


  3. GM Roper said,

    January 28, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    Flowers? May I suggest a blivet instead?

    What is a blivet you ask? Well, its 10 pounds of bull manure in a 5 pound bag.


  4. January 29, 2010 at 7:51 am

    […] from your dismal SOTU, you might like to heed this gentleman’s advice. After all, he LOVES America. Something […]


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