Playing Catch-up

Out of pocket most of the weekend, so I’m playing catch-up today.

B.J. Lawson won last week’s Ten Buck Friday poll. Running in NC, he’s a persistent fella…

B.J. Lawson is a young physician from North Carolina (NC-04) who was running against an entrenched liberal incumbent back in 2008, before it was so cool to do so. Dr. Lawson has returned in 2010, riding the red wave that promises to sweep away liberals all over the country.

Donate to his campaign directly here.

This week’s new poll is up at RightKlik.

Michigan State’s head coach, Mark Dantonio, had a heart attack after his Spartan’s upset Notre Dame in overtime by 34-31. He is resting comfortably and basking in the glow of his giant-slaying.

Unhappily (very, very unhappily), I was unable to attend the RedState gathering. So I will have to live vicariously through Moe and Erick. More later.

I also missed “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” At least you can still get your pirate name here.

As a consolation of sorts, my Saturday was spent with 92,000 of my closest friends. The Dawgs outcome was not nearly as stellar. While they can still have a winning season, the chances for post-season play are now close to nil. Hopefully I’ll have some pictures later, if I can figure out this camera.

Remember last week when I said you could smell the fear? Well, it appears that while I was gallivanting about the state, the White House reached Panic level 4 and true to form is falling back on their magic formula – class warfare. Perhaps a visual is order:

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